Care and Education


At Blue Sky we follow the national curriculum for learning and development, this is called The Early Years Foundation Stage. The EYFS is a method for interacting with the children whilst watching them play to develop an understanding of what the children enjoy playing with, can do and might like to learn next.

This information is then used to come up with exciting ideas for activities the children can take part in to move onto the next step of their learning journey.

At Blue Sky we take lots of photos of the children which can go onto our Facebook page, permissions allowing, so if you have a free five minutes you can browse our page and catch up with what activities your child may be involved in. We also use these photographs to track your child’s progress and development and helping us to determine their ‘next steps’.

A Guide to Our Curriculum

Prime Areas

Personal, Social & Emotional Development
  • Building relationships
  • Self Regulation
  • Managing Self
  • Health and self care
Communication & Language
  • Listening and attention
  • Understanding
  • Speaking
Physical Development
  • Gross and Fine motor skills

Specific Areas

  • Comprehension
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Numbers
  • Numerical Patterns
Understanding the World
  • People, cultures and communities
  • The natural world
  • Past and present
Expressive Arts & Design
  • Creating with materials
  • Being imaginative and expressive