Pre-school at Blue Sky


Here at Blue Sky we understand that you want the very best for your children and will have expectations of the nursery to ensure they are school ready when that time comes. At Blue Sky have an excellent Pre-school room, with staff who are experienced and eager to prepare your children for school life across all aspects of their development.

When deciding on a Pre-school it is important to feel you have made the right decision for you and your child, so we have provided some additional information below.

Frequently asked Question

Will my child going to the school pre-school help them make friends that they will keep once they start school?

Children are social beings and readily make friends, at Blue Sky one of the greatest things we offer the children is the social skills that will set them on the right track to create friends through their school career. Children from our pre-school access various infant schools in the surrounding area

Will attending the school pre-school secure my child a place when they start school?

Absolutely not, all parents must apply for their child’s place at school and as the places are allocated by the local authority and not the school, all children are given equal opportunity to access the school of your choice.

Will my child going to the school pre-school help them feel more settled when they start school formally?

The transition from one setting to another at any age may cause some disruption to the child and there is no evidence to suggest that introducing this disruption at the start of their pre-school experience is advantageous.

Children who stay at Blue Sky for some, or all, of their pre-school experience might find that they have more opportunity to evolve emotionally in our nurturing environment before tackling the transition, however it is not possible to say this is true for all children as they are all individuals.

What if I choose the Schools Pre-School?

Should you decide to use the local Schools Pre-school we are still here to help.

For more information contact our management team via phone or email.


We believe that celebrating the children’s achievements while they are at Blue Sky is fantastic way to mark the close of their time with us. For this reason, we hold a yearly graduation ceremony where the parents are welcomed to watch their child receive their Preschool diploma to acknowledge all the wonderful developments, skills and learning they have accomplished during their time with us.