Our Services

Blue Sky offers funded places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Although the government funding is offered for up to 30 hours per school week (38 weeks a year) we are able to stretch this funding over the full year evening out your childcare costs.

Blue Sky is open from 7:45am to 6:15pm each day, for 51 weeks a year, we are not open on bank holidays or between Christmas and New Year.

Worried about your early start or Finish?

We offer early starting or finishing childcare times. Talk to our management team for more information.

Our standard sessions are:

Full Day7:45am to 6:15pm
Short day8:45am to 3:15pm
Morning7:45am to 12:45pm
Afternoon13:15pm to 6:15pm

We also offer creche by the hour.

Flexible Care

We try to be as flexible as you need us to be regarding booking sessions. We appreciate many parents do not work Monday to Friday, in 9-5 jobs, so we have altered our services to try to meet those needs that may be more irregular.

We offer term time only sessions where you need not pay retainers if you don’t need childcare during the school holidays.

Is our Ad Hoc Care available to everyone?

We have an AD HOC scheme available to all our parents, where you can take the childcare you want when you want it.

This means that if you want just 1 hour for an appointment or 2 hours to get some shopping done, If you want an afternoon to yourself or for a meeting, or if you need a day out with your friends, you can be secure in the knowledge that we are here for you.

We will be as flexible as possible to provide you with the childcare you want.

As much notice as possible is always appreciated by our admin team but we will do our very best to fit you in when you need us.


Here at Blue Sky we understand that you want the best for your children. We have an excellent Pre-school room, with staff who are ready to prepare your children for going to school.

When deciding on a Pre-school it is important to feel you have made the right decision for you and your child.

We do our best to ensure your child is ready to graduate from nursery and ready to take on big school.

Frequently asked questions

Will attending the school pre-school secure my child a place when they start school?

Absolutely not, all parents must apply for their child’s place at school and as the places are allocated by the local authority and not the school all children are given equal opportunity to access the school of your choice.

Will my child going to the school pre-school help them feel more settled when they start school formally?

The transition from one setting to another at any age may cause some disruption to the child and there is no evidence to suggest that introducing this disruption at the start of their pre-school experience is advantageous.

Children who stay at Blue Sky for some or all of their pre-school experience might find that they have more opportunity to evolve emotionally in our nurturing environment before tackling the transition, however it is not possible to say this is true for all children as they are all individuals.

Will my child going to the school pre-school help them make friends that they will keep once they start school?

Children are social beings and readily make friends, at Blue Sky one of the greatest things we offer the children is the social skills that will set them on the right track to create friends through their school career.  Children from our pre-school access both Market Weighton infant schools and also several others in the surrounding area

What if I choose the Schools Pre-School?

Should you decide to use the local Schools Pre-school we are still here to help.

We offer a Pre-school pick up service.

For more information email our management team via phone or email.

Holiday Club

During the school holidays the children are able to come for full, half days, short days or am/pm session. Our holiday club is open all the school holidays except the week between Christmas and New Year and official bank holidays.

In Holiday club they can take part in a wide range of planned activities. We also plan trips; going everywhere from the seaside to local parks and nature reserves.

Your children don’t need to have attended the out of school club or day nursery to take part in any of these holiday club activities and the same FLEXIBILITY applies here as with the rest of Blue Sky.

You can book as many or as few sessions as you wish, from as little as 1 hour to 1 afternoon, 1 day or a few days a week to as much as every day during the holiday.

There is always something to do and someone to play with in Blue Sky holiday Club.


We introduced an optional children’s uniform in 2017, that is available to children from the age of 2. Here at Blue Sky we encourage the children to play freely, using any materials however they want. Our uniform is optional, however we believe it encourages a sense of community and belonging in our children. For parents, our uniform is a chance to have clothing that is just for nursery.

We do recommend that our Kelpies have a set of uniform, so they can start getting used to uniforms before going to school. Our uniforms come in sizes from 2-3 Years up to 5-6 Years.

Order Uniform Today

Polo Shirt








Uniform Order Form

Polo Shirt




7 + 10 =

Once ordered you will be asked to pay in the office

Find Out More About Our Rooms

Worried about costs?

We are here to help.

If you are worried about the prices of childcare, don’t worry… We’re here to help. Click the button to go to our Funding Guide page for help.