Joining Blue Sky

Enquiries, Booking and Waiting lists


Contact Our Settings

If you are looking for a Nursery we encourage parents to come and view our settings; please feel free to enquire about a show around. We ask for a bit of information so our administration teams can help you as best as they can.


To get in touch with our Cottingham admin team please fill out the below information

Market Weighton

To get in touch with our Market Weighton admin team please fill out the below information


To get in touch with our Pocklington admin team please fill out the below information


To get in touch with our York admin team please fill out the below information

Booking Sessions

When you have signed up and, your child is fully registered, you can book your required sessions. 

We ask that parents email their session requests, so our admin team has them for reference and to avoid any miscommunications.

Waiting Lists

When demand for childcare becomes high our admin team may inform parents that there isn’t space for the days they need.

If this should happen you will be offered sessions on the days there is availability, and meanwhile you will be put on a sessions waiting list until there is space on the days you requested.